Thoughts about Ruptures
Tyler Hartford Tyler Hartford

Thoughts about Ruptures

Thought on ruptures within churches, organizations and families. Here’s a list of various points that seem to loom large right now.

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Judged the Same Way
Tyler Hartford Tyler Hartford

Judged the Same Way

If we desire to be prophets in a hurting and broken world, then we must consider how the medium is the message. This includes the ways and the measures in which we judge. Paul says, “the one who prophesizes speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort (I Corinthians 14:3).”

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Behold the Lamb.
Tyler Hartford Tyler Hartford

Behold the Lamb.

Behold the Lamb, who is worthy to be praised.

Let every tribe, tongue and nation worship Him.

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Communing in a Time of Separation
Tyler Hartford Tyler Hartford

Communing in a Time of Separation

Western Christianity is experiencing a shift as we examine what it means to do life together and how we serve our neighbors (even our enemies). We are realizing the millennia-old call to follow Jesus remains the same, but the ways of being faithful are looking different.

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Everything in life

is better

with a little sauce.