
Passion for a Transformed World

This blog serves as a place where I offer reflections of hope, rooted in Jesus Christ. My own life has been an adventure in following Him, and my dream is to share with people the ways that He has transformed my life, and others.

I want to chase God’s glory in creation.

I want to celebrate Jesus’ transforming power.

And I want to have fun discovering connections between the creative arts, literary arts, historical accounts and more.

Unabashedly a Christ-follower, I was born into the Catholic Church, raised in the Fundamentalist Baptist Church, and now a minister in the Anabaptist tradition, I find myself grateful for the lessons taught through those streams - the good, bad and ugly. I’ve learned that no one stream of theology answers all the questions (just like mathematics - look up Godel’s Theorums). Instead, I believe that life is lived in-between the dynamic tension of the rigid and flexible, not unlike what happens when the string is plucked on a guitar.

It is in the “space between” where God lives, moves and breaths. Both fully unseen and fully experienced, God presents himself in surprising ways throughout our lives. And Jesus, as fully God and fully human, places in front of us yet another dynamic tension. Looking through the lens of Christ, we can make sense of the chaos of this broken, beautiful world we call home, and see a hint of what is promised on the other side.

In the meantime, we who remain, who walk the earth, are invited to take in God’s glory and invite others to join them on the Road. May my reflections help provide food and drink for that journey.

And every once in a while, I might slip something in regarding my love of hot sauce, well, because everything in life is a better with a little sauce.

  • Tyler Hartford, Goshen, IN - March 2020